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Research assistant in COVID-19 modelling

Application DL: 15 Dec 2020 (Position filled)

Start time: As soon as possible, but negotiable

Duration: 12 months

Do you want to use your skills in data science and modelling to help fight COVID-19 and future pandemics? Join our international team of scholars in mathematics, statistics, and complex systems as a research assistant. There is a possibility to write a MSc thesis as part of this project.

Your main task is to develop and maintain our data pipelines. You will gather new data sources related to human mobility and social contacts, develop automated procedures to aggregate such data, and maintain our public data repository. The project involves both public data sources (e.g. road traffic reports) and private and possibly sensitive data. In addition to working directly with data, you will participate in the modelling research together with various specialists. 

The position is a part of a new Nordic research project with Aalto University, Stockholm University, and University of Oslo. The project will develop new methods for analysing and controlling the spread of COVID-19 based on novel data streams and advanced statistical models related to human mobility and social contacts. The project is funded by the NordForsk organisation under the Nordic Council of Ministers. In Aalto, the project is coordinated by Lasse Leskelä, Tapio Ala-Nissilä, and Mikko Kivelä.

We are looking for:

  • Solid study record in statistics, biostatistics, machine learning, mathematics, network science, operations research, or a related field
  • Programming skills (minimum Python/R, C++ can be an advantage)
  • Basic computer skills: Git, Unix, LaTeX, etc.
  • Experience and enthusiasm with working with data
  • Fluent oral and written communication skills in English. Communication skills in Finnish and Swedish can be considered an advantage
  • High motivation to combine relevant elements from computational/mathematical/statistical disciplines to answer public health questions
  • Teamwork experience and excellent communication skills
  • Ability to work independently and efficiently

Send us your cv and study record before 15 Dec 2020 by email to